Dear American Dream…

Dear American Dream,

You are no longer our dream.

The conventional side of us would like to let you down gently, saying, “It’s not you, it’s us.” But if we’re being honest, it is you. Even though we were often caught up chasing you, you were more of a distraction than a dream.

Though the Truth may sting, we’ve been captivated by another Pursuit who is far more rewarding—the truest Treasure in the whole universe and scope of history, American or otherwise. This may come as a shock to you as much as us, because it’s far more costly pursuing this Treasure than it ever was pursuing you. Our all-in Pursuit doesn’t promise fancy titles, comfort, or guaranteed prosperity. Actually, this Pursuit is wildly uncomfortable, as we don’t even know where we’ll be living as we move forward.

But here’s what we do know: The path ahead is worth it. It’s a Way that does not reach an eventual dead end, but results in unfurling, infinite discovery. Beauty. Glory.

As a final farewell, we’re giving you back the house that, though a wonderful gift at the time, we have come to recognize as a facade of protection. With the impending sale of our biggest possession and the willingness to sell everything else, we have now left behind all systems that we’ve known to learn All we have yet to know. We’ve left you to pursue All there is worth pursuing.

While we say our final goodbyes to you and this house that partially represented you, we’re also saying hello to Home—to Him. He is our true Dream, and better yet, our Destiny. He has a Name that is above every other, like honey on our lips. We’re stuck chasing Him, wherever that may lead us. And we’re freer now to pursue Him faster, harder, and more intensely than ever before.

In Love with Another,
The Cottrells

P.S. Matthew 6:25-34, 19:16-30, and 28:18-20 provide further reasoning, if you must have it. Of course, there's far more to be said on this topic, which Nicole and I will certainly be sharing as we learn in the weeks, months, and years ahead. Stay tuned.

Originally posted on Facebook.

Jonathan Cottrell

I serve entrepreneurs and their communities in Love. Especially in Phoenix. #yesphx



Our marriage can finally drive