Do Nothing β€’ Bonuses

Open sesame

Your book bonuses await.

To be honest, these extras are still a work in progress

But in this rare case, something is certainly better than nothing.

As referenced in the final pages of the book, feel free to explore the following free resources for your own continued growth and as reminders on your journey with Jesus. As I add to or improve them in the future, I will email you with updates.

To access them in their current state, visit this Dropbox folderβ€”and feel free to bookmark this page for your future access to the resources, too. More resources are currently in development and will be added here throughout the rest of August 2022, specifically. The Detox for Doers is nearly complete, and the thing I’m perhaps most excited about sharing.

Thank you so much for your support of my first book. I hope it encourages you and look forward to your feedback. Enjoy.