I’ve encountered a fair share of right—and left—turns in my life.
In short, I’ve pivoted
“Pivoting” is a common term within the startup world. The Founder Institute puts it look like this:
While pivoting in the startup world means to shift to a new strategy, it is often believed to entail drastically changing the whole company. But this is not always the case. Oftentimes, a company only has one important problem that needs to be addressed, and only requires one aspect of the company to changed.
Similarly, I’ve surely had to make some changes over the course of my life, but that hasn’t changed who I am. While the majority of these changes have been work related, I’ve also come to crossroads that required me (and my family) to rethink other life choices, like where we live, or how to live out my faith based on my beliefs that are still being shaped.
While I could share lots of tiny decisions and moments that have led to all sorts of personal change, these are the most notable pivots that have marked the seasons of my life after I became an adult.
Career. When I was 21, I pivoted from multiple hourly wage jobs to starting my career in digital marketing at iCrossing. I didn’t even know what “pivoting” meant still.
Marriage. At 23, I pivoted from being a single guy living with a bunch of dudes to marrying the love of my life, Nicole. Marriage always brings about a fair amount of changes, and I remain thankful for all of them.
Parenthood. If marriage wasn’t enough of a change, 6 weeks later, Nicole and I also found out we were going to be parents. Becoming a dad was a big (and glorious) pivot at age 24.
Hustling. The same year I became a parent, I also started what I consider my first “real” startup. Late nights on the side of my day job became the new norm.
Leadership. At 26, I was promoted at GoDaddy to begin managing teams over 50 people strong. Moving from managing small teams elsewhere to leading teams of this size was a big pivot in my mindset, habits, and skillset.
Full-timin’. At 28, it was time to set the “side hustles” behind and venture full-time into working for the companies I started. This was a huge step of faith and forever changed how I viewed and approached entrepreneurship.
Christian community. At the same time that I made my career change to full-time entrepreneurship, Nicole and I pivoted into a new way of living out our faith in Christ with an organic church community that started meeting in our home. This changed everything.
Service to my city. Right before I turned 31, I somewhat accidentally stumbled pivoted into my future of community development after starting #yesphx, leading PHX Startup Week, and plunging headfirst into doing what I could to serve the people of my city.
Rest. At 34, I broke. Jesus undid my nature of doing so that I could move into His extravagant rest. This pivot began my season of undoing, resulting in a temporary return to a 9-to-5 job. I needed it.
Growth. After nearly 3 years of working again for others, my career as a starter was resurrected when Jesus paved the way for my next venture, Journeyage. Seriously, He’s the one who started and grew it.
Independent. After 20 years as a registered republican, Trump and his flag-waving, Capitol-storming, evangelical loyalists compelled me to pivot politically and re-register as an independent even though I remain unloyal to the political systems of man and citizen to another kingdom.
Untethered. Nicole and I decided to sell our “forever” house, planning to spend our kids’ high school summers living around the world, but keeping Phoenix as home base. No mortgage, no restraints.
Author. Just one month before my 40th birthday, I added one more title to my resume: published author. Though I certainly didn’t feel like an author right away—or still to this day—it was nice to finally release work the Lord inspired so many years earlier. More to come.
Of course, I don’t expect I’m done pivoting. Change is a natural part of life, especially in this day and age that seems to be changing faster than ever. While I serve a God who remains faithful, loving, and unchanging, I know He’s not finished changing me.
Have Your way in me, Lord.