Past speaking
The voice is more powerful than the written word.
It was Maya Angelou who said, “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.” I agree. That’s why I do much more than write. In fact, I prefer to speak. Connecting with other humans in a conversation feels far more human to me than putting down carefully (or not-so-carefully) crafted words on a page.
While I don’t have a record for each of my past speaking engagements, any of the places linked below will take you to a video or podcast episode where you can give it a listen. I’ll try to keep this page updated (as much as I can) as more opportunities present themselves, too.
🎤 Conferences and events
These are the conferences, places, and events I’ve spoken at, including my topic titles—even if they were intentionally misleading. My PowerPoint skills are also pretty dope, if I don’t say so myself. That said, I’ve excluded public pitches for companies I’ve contributed to building.
1Million Cups: Community
Agile Arizona: UX is for everyone
ACU: Made for more
Edson program: 7 deadly temptations of compromise
E+I: Lean canvas workshops
WP Carey Talks: Happiness is love
Chengdu innovation summit: Phoenix
City of Scottsdale: The state of the PHX startup ecosystem
Founder’s Institute: Ideation
GCU: Loving leadership
GoDaddy: Business retreats
Illumin8: Love is not a vanity metric
MAG: The state of the PHX startup ecosystem
Medical Marketing Solutions: Give and make
Phoenix Economic Council: Q&A
PHX Mobi: Design and user thinking
PHX Startup Week
2015: Multiple addresses
2016: Multiple addresses
2017: Love in business
2020: Every meeting matters
2021: Innovation in K-12 Education
Pinnacle Forum: Speaking life
Prism Women: Spirit of adoption
Rise of the Rest Summit: On Phoenix
Startup Connect AZ
Startup Grind AZ: Interview
Startup Summit: Living entrepreneurship
Team AZ: Multiple dinners
Transforming Culture
#yesphx Summer Socials: Multiple addresses
🎙 Podcasts, interviews, and video
Podcasts are perhaps my favorite medium for speaking. It’s relaxed, and it feels like a genuine conversation, rather than a message. I always enjoy.
Interviews about my book
Bible Jazz: Interview with Jonathan Cottrell
Close the Gap: Up close with Jonathan Cottrell
Figure it Out: #16
Fit in Faith: Baby steps to big dreams
Forward Thinking Founders: On building and training teams
Heed Your Calling: Understanding our place in God’s divine purpose
Jonathan Puddle: Do Nothing
Made Here: Building your resilience
Not Only, But Also: Lovers, but also fighters
The Master’s Call: Entrepreneurs on fire for Christ
Pure Business: Interview with Jonathan Cottrell
Raising the Standard: Do Nothing
Root of it All: Interview with Jonathan Cottrell
The SuccessLab Podcast: Starting up an entrepreneurial community
Valley Startups: On Mindup
#yesphx Presents: Multiple conversations
Business Radio: Culture — the heartbeat of business
🙌 Churches and ceremonies
Of course, I can’t forget the churches where I’ve given sermons or ceremonies I’ve contributed to, either as officiant or a speaking participant.
Citizen’s Church: How to get rich (for the record, this title is intentionally misleading)
God’s Living Room
The incomprehensible love of Christ
Just be a kid
Knowing God as the Life
Eric and Sheila Paliga
Keith and Alexis Fedor
If you’re looking for somebody to speak at your upcoming event, I’m happy to see how I can help. Learn more.