Dotox • Day 7 of 30


“Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess…and come, follow Me.’”

Matthew 19:21


This verse is quite possibly one of the most caveated passages in all of scripture. From the pulpit, pastors will regularly teach that Jesus didn’t actually mean to sell all your possessions—He just meant that you should get rid of whatever’s in the way of your following Him.

While that’s true, it’s worth also considering: Does your stuff and the money it costs to support it get in the way of your following Jesus?

Everyone has to wrestle with that question on their own. But if you’re honestly open to letting the Lord put His finger on the things that might be getting in the way, you might also discover that having less and getting rid of those obstacles might very much ease your walk forward with Jesus.

It doesn’t have to be everything, but it might very well be something. And letting Christ have those things might very well help you on your way of doing “nothing” apart from Him.


Sometimes His rest shows up on our doorstep, and we just have to accept it, whatever ordeal it may be to fit into our lives. Other times, we may have to wait a little longer, or even lay aside the burdens and weights impeding such rest—which we will consider how to do together soon (Hebrews 12:1). Whatever it is we can do to enter His rest, it is imperative we do it.

*From the book, Do Nothing, if you haven’t read it yet.


Donate something. It could be a closet that’s too full, or it could be something that you’ve placed too much value on. Whatever it is, get rid of the stuff that you have found to be stressors and obstacles in your walk with Jesus. Start small, of course—but it might very well become a larger pile than you imagine soon.


Are possessions standing in your way of following Jesus?

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