Dotox • Day 5 of 30
“The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’”
Mark 6:31
“Rest a while.” Such a tiny phrase, but such a big demand. Especially for doers. But Jesus told His disciples to do it. And He modeled it Himself, taking time to spend in the wilderness, in Bethany, in gardens, and on boats to disconnect from society and rest.
There are many forms of rest, of course, and not all need to look the same. But in many instances, what you need isn’t just rest, but disconnection. Or, in more modern vernacular: unplugging.
With all of the noise society is constantly exposed to, whether at home, at work, after work, online, and all the times in between, you’re under a barrage of unrest simply by being connected to your devices and surrounded by other people—even if those are people you love.
Looking at your mobile phone’s average usage per day will tell the story better than these words can alone. Tally that up with the time you spend in front of a computer and television and you might be shocked when you do the math.
What if you stopped all that—at least for a while? What if you turned things off and turned rest on. What if you recharged not just your phone, but your soul? What if you were alone, just you and God?
Everyone needs time alone. You need time alone. Disconnect from all the noise and take some time for yourself. Or as Jesus said to His disciples, “Come away by yourselves … rest a while.”
Perhaps the plans God has made to prosper us look like nothing more than that which David declared as a young shepherd. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 46:10). As I grow in Christ, I am increasingly convinced that the Lord has a far less busy life in store for me than I am naturally inclined toward.
*From the book, Do Nothing, if you haven’t read it yet.
Turn off your phone, computer, and television for a while. How long depends on you, but you might even want to make a habit of this. You’ll be surprised what happens.
How might you work more rest for yourself into your regular life?
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